Thursday, May 22, 2008

Have You Seen My Sunglasses?

So I wrote about going to Bunko last Thursday as you know. Well it all started then.... I rode with Kate to Bunko and I was showing her my new sunglasses that Dan had just bought me at the beach the weekend before. I was so proud of them and was wearing them anytime the sun was even peaking out. But no big deal, I was wearing sunglasses to Bunko.... Well the next morning, I could not find them on the way to school, but for me that is totally normal because I always misplace them or they are at the bottom of my purse and I didn't dig deep enough. I went on my merry way to school and didn't think about it again. I knew they would turn up. Well, it happened again after school, but still I had no worries. Then on Saturday, Dan and I were going to ride in his Samurai (hot stuff) and Dan says, "Don't you need your new sunglasses, it is pretty bright out here?" So at that point I said to myself, "OK I better think hard and find those jokers!" I told him to hold on a sec and I would look in my car. Well, I looked GOOD. I was scrambling for those things everywhere even in my purse, because I knew he would be upset if I lost the sunglasses HE gave me. Anyway, I had no luck so I went back to the car and told him not worry, they must be inside or in Kate's car since I rode with her to Bunko. Well he had all the time in the world for me to go search inside for them so I did and again found nothing. Finally, I was worried about this situation. I told him that I would call Kate and I was SURE they were in her car, but for us to just go on and take our little ride. Well to cut to the chase, they were not in Kate's car. I called her numerous times and said, "Just please look one more time I know they must be in there because that is last place I had them." She continually assured me that they were not and that she had now cleaned her entire car out and had found NO sunglasses. So in the meantime, Dan had kind of forgotten about the loss but I was secretly searching my purse three times a day, calling the ladies house we played Bunko at and emailing everyone that was at Bunko to see if they had found the missing sunglasses. And of course NO ONE had seen them. Well today was a week ago they were lost so I finally said, "Okay, I have got to get another pair of these before he finds out I lost them. So I call all the Sunglass Hut's around and Dothan had them. Thank the Lord! I called my mom and told her the story so she said that she would go get them and bring them to the beach this weekend so I could get them. I was releived. But..... that doesn't end it. When I got home from work I thought I would check my purse one more time. Maybe they will appear... Well, I checked and guess what......... there they were in the sunglass case that had been there all week. I swear I checked there though.....So I call Mom hoping that she had not gone to buy them yet and of course she had so she had to go right back and return them.
I mean WHAT IN THE WORLD? I felt so stupid, but that is par for the course with me. I hope you guys get a kick out of my sunglass fiasco! Dan sure did when I let him in on the whole story.


Anna said...

sounds like deja vu? I think I've heard this story before...hmmm

Anna said...

oh and the "kat fairy" is kristin's mom. not me if that's what you were thinking! I wish someone would bring me all of those prizes!

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I can empathize with this story, but mine does not have a happy ending. I have been "looking" for a pair of Chanel sunglasses I splurged on since Dec. 28, 2007. I just feel that SURELY they have just been misplaced and they will turn up somewhere...I mean, I still have the cheap drug store sunglasses I bought 6 years ago, yet I LOSE the most precious and exciting pair I buy within a year!? Oh man, I have to quit thinking about it. Congrats on finding yours though =P
-Jill Scott

Anonymous said...

I am glad you found you glasses, I do that all the time! I will think they are lost and lo and behold they are in the place I already looked! Makes you feel really stupid!!!

No Longer Newlyweds. said...

hey lauren. it's sara skaggs from dothan. i just found your blog. i'm going to be keeping in touch. this blog world is such a small world.