Sunday, May 18, 2008

Fun Filled Week!

We have had a fun filled week even though work has been crazy. My students are just filled with excitement about summer and you can tell. They are so hyped up and I know this week will be even worse. Only 7 1/2 more days though. We can make it!!

So as you know, Sunday was Mother's Day and we spent the weekend at the beach with my parents. It was very relaxing and much needed. It was also nice to spend time with them. It seems like we never see each other for a good length of time anymore. Then on Sunday we came home and had Dan's family over and grilled ribs. They were DELICIOUS! Dan has recently started cooking these ribs and we are hooked. Here is a picture of Dixie, (Dan's sister) Andy and Addie. Dixie is about to POP. She is due the first week in June. Addie had a good time playing in Hick's box. That kept her entertained AND got her dirty.

On Tuesday night, we kept Addie. We took her out to eat at Myori. She thought it was really neat watching the man cook. Nikki and Chad came with us and brought Paige, their little girl. Addie and Paige had fun playing together afterwards at our house!! It also reinforced the fact that we are not ready for children right this second:)

This was also the week for our monthly Bunco get together except this one was extra special. Instead of our group of girls playing by ourselves we joined up with 2 other Bunco groups in Enterprise. They are made up of women that are my mother's age. So I am sure you can imagine the fun we had. I think that those ladies had even more fun than we did. They are hard core Bunco players!

AND THEN lastnight we had some friends over to grill out steaks. It seems like that is our normal Saturday afternoon/night tradition. If we are not out of town, that is usually where you can find us on Saturday. We have gotten to where we don't care about "going out" anymore, we would just rather relax with friends and go to bed early. Does that mean we are getting old?? It sounds like it to me...

So as you can see, we had a fun week! I hope this one is a little quieter though since I know school is going to tire me out big time.


Lauren said...

Awwwww....I wish I were there to grill out! Sounds like a fun Sat. night tradition. Dixie is TINY! Maybe it's just the angle of the picture, but I saw it before I read what you had written and I thought, "Dixie looks like she might be pregnant!"

I wanted to tell you thanks for my b-day card. It was one of four that I got. My mom didn't even send me one! I know it was a long time ago but I just went through a pile of old mail and found it again (I'm really behind on things)! BTW, I love your return address on the back! Is that a stamp? I want one!

Anna said...

love hearing what's going on with yall...I know you are ready to be out of school! Just a few more days! Then you can come help me get settled in the new house!:)

Katie B said...

Well, I kind of like the thought of you two with children...