Thursday, May 8, 2008

Well, I Did It!

I have read your blogs for a while now and have thoroughly enjoyed them. Each time I read them the thought of creating my own blog passes through my mind, but I just told myself that I had too many other things I could or actually needed to be doing rather than wasting my time on the computer. (I am sure you guys say the same thing.)

But here I am.....

Why not stop and do something you enjoy for a few minutes out of the day? Right? That was my conclusion. So here I am writing to you. I hope I can make it as interesting as some of you other bloggersout there. I will go ahead and warn you that there will be many typos in my writing. I will check over it, but I am definitely am not the best at that.Those of you that know me well will surely agree.

I will begin with a little background... Dan and I got married on January 13, 2007 so we have been married a year and 4 months. It has flown by!! We are having such a great time doing all the married couple things. I teach 1st grade and absolutely love it! My children keep my laughing and make me so happy. Dan has just recently ventured out and started his own business. He and his partner buy timber. I really will not go into all of that because most of that just goes right over my head. Although, I will probably bet you that I know more about buying and cutting trees than most girls do. We do have one child and his name is Hicks. He is a black lab and he is our life. This is probably the most spoiled dog in the world. He literally can do whatever he wants to do. He has it made! I will be sure to post some pictures of him!

We have about two and a half week until summer and I am ready. I will miss my little kidos, but a break is much needed. I do not have much planned for the summer other than teaching VBS at our church, going to the beach frequently, and going on a white water rafting trip with college friends. The main thing is to relax. I know that it will fly by.

I guess that is a pretty good start for my first blog. I will be back later and hopefully it will be a little more interesting!


Katie B said...

A NEW BLOG!!! I am excited. Glad you did this.

Lauren said...

Yay! I'm so excited. I can't wait to hear funny stories about your kids. And what a good way to keep in touch with you too!

Anna said...

whoohoooo! It turned out great!

thebarronfam said...

Welcome to blog world. I am excited to be able to keep up with you all. Bella is pretty rotten too, so I completely understand!

Anonymous said...

I am excited to read a new blog, I think your dog is great! I have 3 dogs that are rotten, they actually mind better than my other children!haha