Wednesday, July 1, 2009

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!

Dan and I went yesterday to the doctor and we were desperately hoping that we would be able to find out what this baby was in my tummy. I am just 15 weeks, but the ultrasound tech said last time we went that she would probably be able to tell. We were so excited we got there early and she was able to take us right back and give us a little more time than normal. It was so neat to see this sweet baby. She had grown so much since the last time and you could see so much more. She really looked like a little baby. She also was moving around ALOT. I guess she is going to take after her Daddy. It is hard to believe that I can not feel her moving and she is about the size of an average hand... esspeically as much as she was moving yesterday. We finally got the view we wanted and she told us it was pretty certain that it was a GIRL! I could see the " 3 lines" or the "hamburger" as they say really clearly. So we got both Mom and Dad to come in a take a peek at their granddaughter. We couldn't let them miss out on it.

What makes it even more exciting is that Anna, my best friend, is having a girl in October and Grover, one of Dan's best friend, is having a girl toward the end July so we will have really good excuses to see them more often! Hopefully they will all become as good of friends as we are!!

So if you know me, I am already making plans to start decorating the nursery. That is right up my ally! I am going next week to look at fabric so hopefully I'll come back with some ideas.

Until then, have a fun Fourth of July!!!


Anna said...

yipeeeee!!!! Elle told me that she can't wait to meet her new best friend! Ben said that he could tell that it made my day yesterday. :) Can't wait for next summer when they can play together in the sand and I think their mamas need to play in the sand SOON!

Margaret said...

Congratulations!! So exciting! Can't wait to hear her name!

Lauren said...

Girls are the sweetest! Y'all are about to experience the sweetest thing! I'm so excited and would LOVE to go to the beach!

thebarronfam said...

Congrats on a healthy baby girl! Ava is so excited too. You and Anna need to come and girl shop with us sometime.