Thursday, June 4, 2009


Since summer is finally here and I am not working (Praise the Lord), I have actually had time and time where I have felt good enough to be a good wife and cook my sweet husband supper. I was kind of nervous about making this for Dan because even though he says he is not a picky eater, he kind of is. I have been craving Quiche Lorraine. My mom used to make it and we absoluetly loved it even though it is not the healthiest. It reminded Dan of a breakfast casserole, but he said it was even better. He liked it so much he got seconds lastnight and had it for breakfast this morning. So I want to share the recipe with you....

Quiche Lorraine

1/2 lb. bacon slices (10-12 slices)
1 9 inch unbaked pie shell
1 1/2 cup grated imported swiss cheese
1 Tablespoon of bacon fat
1 small onoin; minced
3 eggs
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
dash of cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard

Cook bacon until crisp. Drain and cut in 1 inch pieces and put into the bottom of the pie shell. Sprinkle the grated cheese over bacon. Then in 1 T. of bacon grease saute onions until golden. Drain the onions and sprinkle them over the cheese. When you are ready to bake the quiche, combine the eggs, cream, milk, and seasonings. Pour the mixture over the layered bacon, cheese, and onions. Bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes or until firm and brown. Cool then cut into wedges.

We had the quiche with fresh fruit and a slice of bananna bread that I also made yesterday. Here is the recipe for that. Again this is my mom's recipe and it is SO YUMMY!!

Bananna Bread

1 stick butter, softened
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 cup of smashed, ripe banannas (I used 3 banannas)
1/2 cup nuts, chopped (walnuts or pecans or my fav)
1/2 cup sour cream
1 1/2 cup flour (suppose to sift dry ingredients, but I didn't)
1 teaspoon soda
1/2 teaspoon of salt

Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs and vanilla. Alternate adding dry ingrediants and sour cream and banannas. Then mix in the nuts. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes or until tooth pick comes out clean.

I hope you enjoy the recipes. We sure did. This would also be a good shower menu for a baby shower or bridal shower.

On a different note, I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. Everything went well. I am 11 weeks and everything looked as they should. Here is the picture that they gave me. It is not very good though... I saw better images while she was doing the ultrasound, but oh well this is all I got. We saw the feet and hands and the profile. We also got to see the baby move a little. It was really neat!

I go back June 30th and they are going to "guess" the sex. So hopefully she will be able to have a little certainty in her "guess."

Well, it is raining here today and is supposed to all day so I am going to relax and maybe cook some more. I'll let you know what I decide and how it turns out.

OH and Bama Jam is starting today and I have NOOOOOO desire to go hangout with drunk, stinky, rednecks. They come from all over, it's alot like the people you see at the Peanut Festival. I went last year for 1 night and I was miserable. I think I was the dustiest and sweatiest I had ever been. I know I would be even more miserable this year being pregnant. Okay not everyone is a drunk, stinky, redneck because some of my friends are going and I'm sure my husband will put in to go at some point, but you get the point.


Anna said...

1)way to make a pregnant lady hungry at work- I wish you were here to cook those things for me
2)dan told me he wants husband's delight for supper tonight :)
3) I wouldn't want to hang out at bammy jammy either- but I am going to the Bham Brewfest eventhough I can't drink anything- we should have planned a beach trip for this weekend!
4) star angel is precious!

miss you!

Margaret said...

The quiche sounds delicious! I can't wait to try the recipie! Congratulations on your pregnancy~I know how exciting it is for it to keep moving right along!

Lauren said...

Yum! I'm sitting here wondering what to make for lunch, but I think I only have the ingredients for a hot ham cheese! I LOVE banana bread. Maybe I'll feel domestic one day and make it!

Anna said...

time for an update!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lauren, Gayla Adams here.
Congratulations--can't wait to see him/her. You were such a beautiful baby-and you will be a great Mom. Keep posting the recipes--your mom is a great cook.