Sunday, August 10, 2008


It has been forever since I have blogged. Sorry about that! I will update you even though nothing much exciting has gone on. I guess that is why I have not had the urge to write....
The past two weeks, I have been getting ready for school to start back. I have been making folders, conduct charts, bulletin boards and planning for the first day of school which was last week on Thursday. The first day was good, I am excited about my new students and hope to have a great year. I am sure I will have some stories to tell considering a couple of the kids I have.

Dan has been just been working and playing. I swear he is like a little child. He is always coming up with stuff to go do. I don't think he can just hang out home unless he is sick. If he is not working he is either playing golf, fishing, boat riding, hanging out with his friends, or this weekend it was pool volleyball.... I guess it is good he is still young at heart!
Hicks is fine... He is having trouble with his allergies. He has the worst skin allergies ever. He scratches non stop. Yes, we have been to the vet tons and have done it all, but nothing cures it. So, I feel sorry for him. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to let me know.
For now, have GREAT week!


Lauren said...

I had fun visiting with you on Sunday! Wish we could do it more often. Love your house too!

Jillian and Matt said...

Oscar, our oldest dachshund, has bad skin allergies too. Our vet prescribed some antihistemine (sp?) that we put in his food, but I am not sure it really does anything. Sometimes I will chop up a benadryl and give that to him too. Also, the vet gave us cod fish oil that we drop in his food which helps a little, but it stinks. I have also started wiping his stomach and paws (the area that touches the grass when we go outside) after we come inside and that helps a little. Hope Hicks feels better soon! take care!
-Jillian Scott