Monday, June 16, 2008

I Can't Think of a Title :)

So I finally have a chance to sit down and tell you what all has been going on since I blogged last. Even though it is summer and I am not working, it has been non-stop.

First of all, my sister in law, Dixie, had her baby, Anna Jane, the first week I was out. We kept Addie (her daughter) while she was in the hospital. We kept her three nights and man that was a job!! She is two and a half and soooo energetic. I do think the worst part was getting her in and out of the car seat in 90+ degree weather and not being able to go and do whatever YOU want to do WHENEVER you want to do it. Although, I will have to say that it was fun playing Mom, but Dan and I were glad to give her back. I think maybe one night sleep overs will be better...

After playing Mom, Dan and I got to experience Bama Jam or Bammy Jammy, as we called it. It was a three night country music festival in Enterprise. We only went one night to see Hank Williams and Lynard Skynard. I will have to say it was pretty much a redneck fest. When I saw a tractor pulling a big trailer with people paying to ride it and public showers in an 18 wheeler trailer (yes, that is the pic of it minus the sho), I knew that I probably was not going to have the time of my life. I went though and toughed it out in the DUST and HEAT... My feet were probably dirtier than they have ever been in my life.
(I spy some rednecks!)

Then last week, I taught first grade at VBS. I really enjoyed it!! It not only helped me become more involved in our church, but the lessons that were taught each day reminded me of many things I seem to forget sometimes: Be Kind, Be Forgiving, Be Obediant, Be Bold, and Believe! They were wonderful lessons for the children to learn and they had a good time!

Finally, we went to the beach again this past weekend. Dan went to a bachlor party and I went to spend time with my parents at their place. That was definately relaxing and it is always nice.

So now I am home with nothing to do except for what I want and I am enjoying it!! This weekend is Dan's 10 year class reunion... Man, how time flies. He is really excited and I am sure I will have some good stories after this weekend to blog about.

So for now... have a wonderful week!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

School's Out for Summer!!

Finally summer is here! I have been counting down the days. I've been so ready for a break and some time to relax and do whatever I want. So.... to start my break off the right way, Dan and I went to the beach for the weekend. We had a great time! We ate some really good food, enjoyed the beach, and relaxed. On Sunday, Dan went deep sea fishing all day with his buddies and I hung out with my parents. It was really nice to spend some time with them. And since I didn't have to go to work Monday, we were not in a hurry to get back like I usually am so we didn't even leave the beach until about 7:30 Sunday night. Here are some pictures of the fish they caught. The caught snapper, grouper and trigger fish. I can't wait for them to cook them!