Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Pouting, but Proud Pregnancy

I am VERY excited about being pregnant!! Although, some of it leaves me pouting and not feeling like myself. I thought I was going to be a pro pregnant person up until about 7 1/2 weeks. THEN IT HIT! I have had every stomach ailment you could ask for. The worst have been being nauseated and indigestion. You never know when they are going to hit. It is mainly in the afternoon and last into the night. Going to sleep is really the only thing that cures it. BUT it has hit me in the mornings too and being at school with a bunch of 1st graders and feeling like that is NOT fun. I hope that it ends soon and does not last into my second trimester. I am 10 weeks right now so maybe only 3 or 4 weeks left.

The Bump. I feel funny saying that I have bump, a very small one, but I think I do. It seems like it is too early for it, but I have not gained weight and my regular pants are a little tight. I had to do the rubber band thing for the first time the other day. I do know that my stomach is harder than usual and I can't suck in. Has anyone else been able to tell this early??

Dan. He is trying to understand, but poor thing he just doesn't (and it has caused some problems :)). He can't understand why I am not myself all the time anymore. He really doesn't understand why I just come home from work and want to sit down and do nothing, even on the weekends. He thinks I am a dud. And remember, that is when I feel the worst (afternoons and nights). I do feel bad for him though because I really do not cook him supper anymore. By that time the smell of food and looking at food does not go well with me. I try my best, but it is pretty pitiful at our house during supper time. I hope we both get a little more understanding soon....

Speaking of food... it is crazy the way I have become very picky. I have never been a picky eater, but I am now. All I seem to want to eat is fruit and salty carbs. Meat makes me want to vomit. We went to the beach with my family this weekend and Dan grilled his famous ribs and chicken that I usually LOVE. Well, the smell of that did really bad things to me. Drinks are really weird too. I used to say that I couldn't live without a Diet Coke. I was actually worried about being pregnant and not being able to have any. I think that was the first question I asked the doctor. But I really don't want them much anymore. And really no drink has seemed very appealing to me, but I feel like I really want something hydrating. It is weird! Does this last the whole pregnancy?

Excited? YES I am so excited and can't wait until I have Baby J. I hope it doesn't seem like forever. I also am so anxious to find out what it is so I can start planning.

I have my next appointment next Wednesday and I will be 11 weeks. Hopefully we will see more of a baby on the ultrasound. Until then, please pray that I make it through Friday without going crazy. Friday is our last day of school then we are out for summer and I don't think it will get here soon enough.

I'll be back after I go to my appointment next week with an update.

** Sorry I didnt post pics, but I havent taken any lately.

Friday, May 1, 2009

It's Confirmed!!

Up until Thursday I was pretty sure I was pregnant because of the test and other obvious things, but I have not had any of the other symptoms that can supposedly go along with being pregnant. I began to second guess the home pregnancy test because everyone was aksing if I had been sick, tired, etc. My answer was always no.... but now I can rest easy. He is there!!!


Thursday I went for my first OB appointment. It was very exciting! We got to see Baby J even though he is only the size of a peanut, if that. His heart is beating 90to nothing, so neat to see! We cannot wait to go back in 5 weeks and hopefully see something that maybe has more of a "baby shape."

My due date is Christmas Day!! I am hoping he decides to come a week or so early. It would be fun to have him on Christmas with all the family together. I guess time will tell. Can I wait that long?? I don't think so. I am already ready for him to come!!!!

**** BTW, there is no reason I kept using "he" instead of "she." I just didn't want to call Baby J, IT.

Other than being pregnant, there is also something else that is exciting. I am sure most of you know, but my best friend, Anna, is pregnant now too. She is 2 months ahead of me. When we were younger we always talked about having babies at the same time and now it has come true and it was totally not planned. How God plans things can be amazing. I am getting good info from her since she has gone through my stage of being pregnant already!! Thanks Anna!!

We are definitely going to have some proud grandparents. My mom and dad are so excited. This will be their first. I'm glad too. (*wink*wink) Dan's parents already have 2 granddaughters, but are just as thrilled and already prepared for sleepovers :)

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I will update sooner now that I actually feel like I have something "blog worthy." Keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer that I continue to feel good!!